Volunteer Opportunities
Meal or Snack Provider
Commits to provide meal or snack for one day each month during the school year (Monday-Wednesday, September through May). We love healthful options like fresh fruits and veggies, granola bars, etc (we don't have any peanut or dairy allergies) *Contact jaime@actsholland.com for scheduling
- should be dropped off to ACTS house no later than 2:30pm day of
- enough for approx. 15-20 children
-does not have to be fancy :)
Homework & After School Helper
Commits to one Tuesday or Thursday afternoon a week during school year (September through May) from 3:30-5pm. We ask for a 3 month commitment to provide contistency and meaningful relationship with our kids.
Field Trip Chaperone
Check our schedule and contact Jaime if you would like to be a chaperone for one of our field trips this summer!