Surf Camp 2018
Riding the Waves with ARC
We are so thankful for our continued partnership with The ARC Project. Every summer for the past six years the have host Surf Camp which teaches the kids water safety and the basics of surfing. Although the weather presented some challenges we were able to have two different sessions over at Camp Geneva this year. First was a three day session with our little ones. Then we had a day long session with the teens that ended with a cookout right on the lake. Over 20 of our ACTS kids attended this year!
Our sessions were led by ARC’s co-founder Greg Field, Jr. Their mission is to “introduce others to the light and love of Jesus Christ, build relationships, break down cultural barriers, and provide opportunities for urban youth to enjoy the beach.”
Surf camp is an opportunity for many of our kids to get out of their comfort zone and learn new skills. We are thankful for each instructors guidance with our kids as facing something new always comes with a mixture of excitement and nerves. One kid said about the experience, “My mom was really worried when she found out we were going to be at the big lake, but she is really happy now that I learned about how to be safe in the water.”
We are so grateful for another successful year of surf camp! To learn more about this organization, go to!